Bridal Self Care.

Being stressed out as a cause of wedding planning is more common than you would think. It’s important to pace yourself and remember to put yourself first. Here are a few ways in which you can prioritize self care during your busy schedule. 

Date Night 

It’s a good idea to spend some time with the person you love. Not only will it be a good break from the stress, but it will also rekindle the sparks that are the reason you're getting married. You could spend a cozy night together, or treat yourselves and go to a place you’ve been wanting to go to for a while. Make sure to avoid talking about the wedding as much as possible, and just focus on the two of you being in the moment together. 

Spa Day

Spa days can solve any problem. Take a moment to treat yourself to face masks and mani pedis. You could even invite your mother, bridesmaids, and friends if you'd like to turn it into a group activity. Remember, no wedding talk! The whole point is to take a little break from all the wedding talk that you’ve been surrounded by. 

Sleep Earlier 

Although this may not seem like self care, you’d be surprised how much better you’ll feel after spending a couple nights going to sleep a bit earlier, and maybe even sleeping in a bit. It gives your body time relax without having any outside distractions. Who knows, you may even dream up some ideas for your wedding. 

Work Out

Working out is a great way to relieve stress. Whether it be in the morning or at night, physical exercise has more of an impact then we realize. Any kind of exercise will help you release a bit of steam. Yoga, hiking, a run, or even a swim. Even the smallest bits of exercise can lift your spirits. 

Taking breaks through this tedious process is important not only for you, but for your mental health. Don’t overwork yourself and make sure you continue to put yourself first.


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Honoring Your Mom on Your Special Day.