Honoring Your Mom on Your Special Day.

Wedding season begins soon after Mother’s Day, and it never hurts to pay homage to your mother on a day that will be held close to the hearts of many. There are many ways in which you can honor your mom. 

Something Borrowed 

A classic tradition is the perfect way to honor your mom. As mentioned in Something Borrowed – Let’s Talk Tradition in an ideal situation, when this tradition originated, the bride would borrow undergarments from a family member who had a healthy marriage and healthy children. However, it’s the energy that holds significance. You could borrow anything from your mother – jewelry, a hair pin, or any accessories. The item doesn’t matter, the significance behind it does, and your mom will surely feel special as a result. 

Treat Mom 

Sharing your special day with your mom is one of the most beautiful ways to honor her. Treat her to getting her hair and makeup done. A morning spent with mom is unbeatable, and getting your hair and makeup done is the added cherry on top. It might even help ease some pre-wedding nerves. 

A Unique Bouquet 

A subtle way to pay homage to your mom is to get her a bouquet or a corsage that stands out from the rest. A small gesture can mean so much more when it truly comes from the heart. Your mom will truly appreciate any gesture. 

Down the Aisle with Your Mom

If you’re feeling the urge to go down a non-traditional route, have your mom walk you down the aisle alongside your father, or even on her own. This will be a memory cherished by many for years to come, and won’t go unnoticed either. 

A Mother/Daughter Dance 

Going down the same route, share a special dance with your mother. It doesn’t have to be slow and soft. A fun dance that the two of you choreograph could be a possibility as well!

Her Favorite Recipe 

Another subtle way in which you could pay homage is through including one of her favorite recipes on your menu. This might include serving her favorite dessert at the reception, 

Regardless of the way in which you pay homage, your mom will feel honored either way. Your special day is a special day for her as well. 


Bridal Self Care.


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