The Perfect Wedding Reception.

Your wedding reception is an experience for everyone, and it’s important to know how to organize one that will not only be remembered but will also be fun. Here are a few hacks to help you achieve the perfect reception. 

Don’t be afraid of changing outfits for the reception.

If letting loose is the goal, the best thing to do is change into something less restrictive than a wedding dress. Yes, being formal is important, but so is being comfortable. A scaled-down version of your outfit may be a better option for the reception, allowing for movement to be less restricted. 

Put guests around people they will be comfortable with. 

The most important part of planning the reception is to make sure that your guests are comfortable. Assigned seating can be a great idea, but make sure it isn't a hastily planned decision. Take your guests into consideration, if they’re around people who they are comfortable with, conversation will flow and the experience will be better. Interaction between guests shouldn’t be forced, and if assigned seating is hasty, it may cause problems. The best way to avoid any problems is to personally put thought into the seating chart, or, allow the guests to sit wherever they wish. 

Hire someone to roast you. 

Now, this isn't crucial for an amazing reception, but it definitely will keep the crowd entertained. There are different ways to do this, and the route you choose is completely dependent on how serious you and your spouse take things. Light comedy is ideal in this situation. The best way to ensure that things don’t go too far is to approve what is going to be said in advance. This way, nothing will happen that you or your spouse aren’t comfortable with. 

Photo opportunities. 

People love to take photos, especially of themselves and their loved ones. Ensure that there are more than a couple photo opportunities for guests besides the professional kind. Photobooths, photo walls, props, and maybe even polaroids. All of these will form some sort of entertainment for your guests, ensuring that they have a good time. 

The perfect wedding reception is not completely reliant on the couple. The guest and their level of comfortability is what produces the energy of the reception. A memorable reception relies on comfort, and the comfort ensures that your reception will definitely be remembered. Plan a memorable reception with Onyx. 


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