Preserving Your Wedding Dress.

Your wedding dress is important to preserve, and there are many ways to do it. 

Know what your dress is made of. 

Knowing your dress, and the fabric it’s made of, can make it easier for you to clean out stains if the need arises in the future. Know details such as how lace has to be cleaned by hand, polyester can be machine washed, and more. The more you know about your dress, the easier it’ll be for you to manage a stain in the future. If you do find a stain of some sort, never rub it. Instead, blot the stain gently. Once you’re able to identify the stain, you’ll be able to clean it up the right way. 

Have an emergency kit on hand. 

Having a stain kit ready to go can save you from a lot of stress in case of a problem. This kit doesn’t just have to be used for stains but can be used for other minor problems as well. Try and have a washcloth, plain unscented soap, safety pins, q-tips, double-sided tape, needle and thread, white chalk, baby wipes, and baby powder. 

Storing your dress. 

The act of preserving a wedding dress is lengthy but worth it. It’s recommended that after your wedding, you get your dress professionally cleaned right away. Taking action right away will prevent the dress from going through any discoloration in the future. You must remember to not put your wedding dress in a plastic bag or vacuum-sealed plastic containers. These methods can cause yellowing over time, and also lock in moisture, which can cause mildew. 

Hanging your dress is the best method, but not by the seams. Hang it by the loops that are attached to it and not the shoulder seams, because this can lead to stretching or sagging over time. 

Remember not to store your dress where the temperature is inconsistent, for example, in the attic or basement. You want to store it in a place where the temperature is steady and consistent. Many bridal stores sell preservation kits as well, David’s Bridal for example. 

Life Happens

It’s important to know that sometimes, despite taking every single precaution you can think of, there may still be an accident. In times like that, just remember to stay cautious and have your emergency kit ready in case of the worst. 

Following these precautions will help prevent staining issues and discoloration on your wedding dress, preserving that wow factor that caught your attention in the first place.


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