A Rainy Wedding – Important Things to Consider if it Rains on Your Wedding Day.

Although rain on your wedding day isn’t the ideal situation, there are definitely ways to move forward and refrain from letting the rain bring you down on your special day. The most important thing you can do if it rains, is process your emotions. The guests will follow your lead, and if they see you in distress, it’ll only urge them to worry as well. 

In case this unideal situation does occur, it’s a good idea to have a couple backup plans in place. It’s important to speak with vendors about their policies when it comes to rain, this will help you keep an eye out for vendors who will be capable of handling the weather in case the unfortunate does occur. 

The idea of an emergency kit was discussed in Preserving Your Wedding Dress, and it’s just as important to have one in case it rains. You can include items such as a hairdryer, change of shoes, extra makeup, and anything else that could potentially be useful in case it rains. 

It might be a good idea to stock up on items such as umbrellas and blankets for guests just in case. This way, their level of comfort won’t be as impacted by the rain as it potentially could be. Another way to heighten the comfort level of your guests in this situation is to rent a heater in order to prioritize their warmth and encourage them to stay dry. 

If the rain isn’t causing you too much of an inconvenience, you could always turn it into a theme. You could play songs about the rain, and rename the menu items and drinks to fit the ambiance. The better the music, the more guests will forget about the weather and turn to the dance floor. Nothing defines the mood more than happy guests, as mentioned in The Perfect Wedding Reception. 

Something to look forward to – Most of the time, there’s a rainbow after it rains. If you’re devastated at the idea of your pictures being ruined by the weather, there’s potential that the storm may make them even better. 


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