Ensure Beautiful Wedding Photos.

One of the most prominent ways that your wedding will be remembered is through the photographs taken that day. To ensure that the photos you receive are beautiful, there are a few things that you should keep in mind as the special day approaches. 

Get to Know Your Photographer

It might feel a little uncomfortable to be lovey-dovey in front of a stranger with a camera lens, but this won’t be a problem if you get to know your photographer ahead of time. Perhaps instead of just the wedding, you could hire them for other ceremonies so your level of comfort grows. Connecting with your photographer is one of the best ways to ensure photos you’ll like. 

Communicating & Inspiration Boards  

Knowing what you want is good, but the worst thing that you can do is send your photographer an inspiration board with photos another photographer has taken. If a vision board is what you want, try using photos from your photographer’s portfolio. Not only will it tell them exactly what you’re looking for, but it’ll show them that you’re truly interested in what they have to offer. By openly communicating with your photographer, the level of comfort will be increased as well, making for a smoother process overall. 

Take Care of Your Photographer 

Make sure your photographer is being taken care of. Photography is exhausting, especially when it comes to weddings. Allow them to break to eat and refresh. The better your photographer feels, the better your photos will be. 

Don’t Fake It

It’s important to remember that the camera will pick up on everything. Fake, forced smiles, and awkward glances will indeed make the photo. The more comfortable you are, the better your photos will turn out. Chemistry is something that photographers are trained to capture, but it has to be there for them to capture it. When in doubt, interact with your partner. Talk to them, hold hands, flirt, kiss, do anything. The more fun you have with it, the better your photos will turn out. 

Lighting is Key

It doesn’t matter where you are, if the lighting is bad, the photos will be too. There are some locations that won’t be able to give you the dreamy wedding photos you want because of the lighting. Make sure you keep this in mind when you’re choosing your locations, indoors or outdoors. The best times to shoot are in direct sunlight, overcast, or the shade. 

Get Rid of Your Phone 

Empty your pockets! You don’t want to look back at your photos to see a phone or keys ruining the shot. Hand them off to someone for the day and keep your pockets empty. There’s no need to have anything in them for photos. 

Keeping these steps in mind when planning your wedding photos will ensure that they turn out exactly how you want them to


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