A Guide to Feeling Calm On Your Wedding Day.

The nerves that come with getting married are unavoidable, but there are some ways to make them bearable, and to ensure that you aren’t overwhelmed on your special day. 

Go to Sleep Early 

With all the commotion and stress of the upcoming day, it may take longer to fall asleep than it usually does. The best thing to do is to head to bed earlier than normal in order to give yourself time to relax and settle in. 

Calming Scents

Surround yourself with scents that put you at ease. Use candles, room diffusers, or maybe even a room spray. Scents like lavender, vanilla, jasmine, and rosemary promote tranquility and promote a calm environment. 


Make sure your morning isn’t rushed. In order to achieve this, it’s important that everything is pre-planned and ready to go. The more off schedule you get, the more stress you’ll be taking on – and that is not the goal. The best way to avoid this is to be ready about an hour before the ceremony begins. This will give you time to relax and enjoy some time with your inner circle. 

Tea & Healthy Breakfast

The best way to start your morning is with some calming tea and a healthy breakfast. Avoiding foods that make you feel queasy is the best way to go, especially on the morning of your wedding. You may feel too nervous or anxious to eat, but you need to fuel your body for the long day ahead. 

Pamper Yourself 

Spend the morning of your wedding pampering yourself. As long as you feel good, you’ll look good. Take a bath with some bath salts, or treat yourself to a luxurious robe to parade around in. It is your special day after all. 


Good music is key to creating an environment that everyone feels at ease in. Weddings are stressful, and everyone knows that. Put together a good playlist ahead of time full of songs with nothing but positivity. You could even make it a collaborative playlist and have your inner circle add to it to ensure that everyone gets a taste of something they like. 

Inner Circle Selectivity 

Surround yourself with people that bring you nothing but positive energy. You’ll feed off of the energy in the room, which is why it’s important to make sure there isn’t anyone there who may pose a threat to the positivity. 


Honoring Your Mom on Your Special Day.


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